My Gundam Models and Anime

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Hobby Shop Clearance 07 Part 3

Today was the last day of the yearly hobby shop clearance. One model kit that I would have never bought was the one that came home with me. Honestly, I am not a fan of he MG Gyan but for $22 I couldn't pass it up. Aside from this Gyan there was nothing else worth buying, although they had a HG Evangelion Unit 1 kit but it was way overpriced.

So out out of three different locations that the hobby shop has, only one of them seems to be Otaku deprived. It was confessed to me by an employee that they only get 1 of each gunpla at every store. That means that they all had Extra Finish Freedom, Rick Dias and GM Snipers but had all been sold a long time ago since I frequent these shops on a weekly basis. Hopefully next year the location were I struck gold will have plenty of unsold Gundams that go on clearance.


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