My Gundam Models and Anime

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

MG ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom

Well here it is, my recently completed MG Strike Freedom. It took 3 months but have you have to understand I don't work on my kits every day. Sometimes I go a couple of weeks without messing with my kits. but I always come back to them and I did a little bit of work on this puppy.

First, I didn't want any seams on the rail cannons, hip mounts, and specially the wings. I think the backpack was the hardest part on this kit, plus you have to be extra careful to not break the wing mechanisms which from what I hear is very fragile. The kit is completely airbrushed and the decals that came with the kit have been applied. For those wondering what I used for the gold, it was Tamiya X-12 Gold Leaf. Funny thing about the Tamiya X-12 Gold Leaf was that when I first airbrushed it, it looked really pale, but as it dried up, it darkened up a little and it ended up looking ok. I also changed the color of the beam rifle since it was molded in dark blue plastic.

Overall I am quite happy with the way my MG Strike Freedom turned out and this will be my last Cosmic Era kit. I have built nothing but SEED Destiny kits lately, in order, 1/100 Force Impulse, 1/100 Sword Impulse, 1/100 Strike Freedom, 1/100 Akatsuki, and finally the MG Strike Freedom. The last non CE kit that I built was the MG GP-03S, I think i am going with something more recent now like the 1/100 Exia. Hope you all like....


  • very clean and neat, good job. One of the nicest paint job i've ever seen of MG SF. Thought you would mod it bcoz quite a number of them mod SF at the armors. So what's your next project? Sure Exia? I've done mine once i bought it, straigh build + marker + lining only though. I don't have painting set for now. Wont be going into air brushing due to finance and time constrictions, i might go for can spray instead. Is tamiya can stray good enough?

    By Blogger Mike, at Wednesday, December 05, 2007 7:38:00 AM  

  • Thanks man, I really don't like the SF mods by cutting the armor and what not, I just like the normal look. I am really leaning toward the Exia since its not that complicated of a build.

    By Blogger Hugo, at Wednesday, December 05, 2007 8:51:00 AM  

  • Really awesome job on SF. Just one thing, I noticed some of your panel lines seem a bit thicker so what I recommend next time and I'm still training in it is to use a graver or a design knife to make the panel lines deeper so then when you ink them and clean it'll become really nice

    By Blogger Belela-san, at Wednesday, December 05, 2007 11:50:00 AM  

  • Thanks, I found the Sakura Micron .005 tip pen, its much smaller than a Gundam marker which I used for the body of the SF, I started using the sakura micron towards the end mainly for the wings. But i'll be using that pen exclusively next time.

    By Blogger Hugo, at Wednesday, December 05, 2007 12:31:00 PM  

  • Take a good picture of the head!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Friday, December 07, 2007 9:23:00 PM  

  • i wanna throw away mine after seeing how yours is painted

    By Blogger Unknown, at Saturday, May 23, 2009 10:53:00 AM  

  • hey can you please send me the color charts for MG sword strike, HG oowashi Akatsuki, and Hg aile strike? nobody has them. I was going to e-mail you but i couldn't find your email.

    By Blogger Unknown, at Friday, December 11, 2009 1:20:00 PM  

  • oh and if you have the time can you pritty please send me the color charts for MG god gundam, Hg deathscythe hell, and the Hg exia trans-am? id love ya forever!! my email is

    By Blogger Unknown, at Friday, December 11, 2009 1:30:00 PM  

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